Inspire: News & Insights
Incorporating Active Travel principles into Ginninderry
Response to Ginninderra Falls Association, Murrumbidgee – Ginninderra Gorges National Park: Information Note 57
The Long-Term Benefits of Switching to Solar
Meet the fascinating Eloise Fisher from the Canberra Symphony Orchestra’s Music in MY School Program
Uncovering the Old Weetangerra Road in and around Ginninderry – By Mary Hutchison
Tackling the Urban Heat Island Effect
Ginninderry’s top tips for a sustainable Easter!
Starting out strong, 2018’s first SPARK program completed
Restoring and preserving the Belconnen Farm Heritage Precinct
Inspiring a new way of living and a new generation of musicians
The Queen will soon make Ginninderry her home
Ginninderry’s first veggie patch is on the grow
Inspire Podcast
Ginninderry is proud to present the Inspire Podcast.
Born out of the belief that we can all contribute towards a better world and hosted by Region Media Group Editor, Geneveive Jacobs, we talk to experts, visionaries and locals who share the ways they are making positive changes, both big and small, to inspire a new way of living.