Response to Ginninderra Falls Association, Murrumbidgee – Ginninderra Gorges National Park: Information Note 57

On the 21st of April 2018 the Ginninderra Falls Association posted the following item on the GFA web site:

Murrumbidgee – Ginninderra Gorges National Park: Information Note 57
Submitted by Darryl Seto on Sat, 21/04/2018 – 4:00pm

As reported in the Canberra Times on 2 April “The joint venture behind the huge Ginninderry cross-border residential development has applied for an environmental impact statement exemption for the vast bulk of the land release on the territory side of the border.” See also the notice from the ACT Planning website.

The ACT Government has been a significant partner in this development proposal and there has been no independent review of the numerous studies submitted by the developer. With such a large project, in such an environmentally sensitive area, it is vital that there is transparency in the decision making process.

We encourage everyone to express their concerns about the proposed EIS exemption. Public comments will close on the 1 May 2018 so there is only a little time left. To help with this, we have drafted some comments for you to consider and then email to the Chief Planning Executive. This is on our website at Public comment on Ginninderry’s application for EIS exemption.

Darryl Seto
(for the Ginninderra Falls Committee)

A detailed fact sheet which summarises the background to this application, can be found here. All of the technical information directly relevant to the proposal is available on the EPSDD website.

We welcome input on aspects of the project and if following your review of this material, you have any questions please call the Ginninderry project office on 1800 316 900 and ask to speak to one of the project team or email

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