Healthy lifestyle

Within the river corridor and throughout Ginninderry, a network of walking and cycling paths will connect you to the greater West Belconnen environment.

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We want to encourage you to spend more time out of your car, exploring the great environment we live in.

You’ll have access to community food gardens, dog parks, play areas like Paddys Park, tracks and new recreation and picnic areas along the Murrumbidgee River and in the ‘central park’, transformed from the old Belconnen landfill.

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Ginninderry's E-Bikes

Residents and visitors to Ginninderry can hire electric bikes from The Link Building to explore all that Ginninderry has to offer – and beyond. Bikes are free for 2 hours and must be returned to the docks within that time or else fees will be charged.

Bikes can be hired for longer than 2 hours however additional charges will apply.

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Ginninderry will showcase innovative technologies that will benefit local residents and the environment.

We’re exploring ideas like urban food production, renewable energies and emerging industries to provide the framework for a more self-reliant community to evolve over time and ensure better utilisation of resources.

Latest News

  • Backyard science at its best: the Ginninderry Research Showcase

  • Ginninderry’s Inspire podcast: Jo Farrell on the importance of building like a girl

  • The captivating student-led exhibition celebrating the next generation of artists

  • Ginninderry’s Inspire podcast: The artist taking on climate change in a unique way