SPARK Training and Employment Initiative

SPARK is our unique training and employment initiative that was born out of our commitment to improving the education, social, and economic outcomes of residents within the Capital Region. Since its inception in 2016, SPARK has proudly delivered over 1672 training places, 707 work experience placements and 845 jobs.

Now Enrolling - SPARK Construction Taster Program

We are excited to be delivering an accredited training program in 2025, focusing on skills development, work experience and an introduction to a variety of construction skills.

Information Session
The information session will provide individuals with advice on program content, eligibility criteria and the commitment that is required to be selected as a participant on this program. It is mandatory that all individuals seeking to
be on the program attend this session.

When: Thursday 20 February 2025, 10.30am – 12.00pm
Where: UnitingCare Kippax, Corner of Luke Street and Hardwick Crescent, Holt

Register your interest below or contact Mel on 1800 316 900, or email

Now Enrolling - SPARK Early Childhood Education & Care Program

We are excited to be delivering an accredited training program in 2025, focusing on skills development, work experience and employment within the Early Childhood Education and Care sector.

Information Session
The information session will provide individuals with advice on program content, eligibility criteria and the commitment that is required to be selected as a participant on this program. It is mandatory that all individuals seeking to
be on the program attend this session.

When: Tuesday 25 February 2025, 11am – 1pm
Where: UnitingCare Kippax, Corner of Luke Street and Hardwick Crescent, Holt

Register your interest below or contact Mel on 1800 316 900, or email

Upcoming Programs

In the first half of 2025, programs covering construction, early childhood education and conservation will be offered.

Register your interest using the link below, and someone will be in touch.

Recent Programs

Renewables Pre-employment Program for Migrants and Refugees

Participants on this program received accredited training related to the construction sector as well as non-accredited training in Australian Workplace Culture, Conversational English, and Bullying and Harassment Prevention. Personal and Protective Equipment (PPE) was also provided for each participant, who also attended industry site tours and heard from guest speakers as part of the program.

SPARK Stories

Watch the journeys of three SPARK Participants and how Ginninderry’s unique training and employment initiative changed their trajectory.

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Work Experience & Employment

Social inclusion clauses are written into key Ginninderry procurement contracts for capital works. These clauses oblige contractors to provide work experience and/or new paid employment positions for residents in the local area; in addition to the contractor’s existing workforces.

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Engagement, Training and Employment Programs

We partner with a wide variety of registered training organisations, stakeholders and employers to deliver programs aimed at key disadvantaged groups (youth, aboriginal, mature aged, long term unemployed and culturally and linguistically diverse people) who are disconnected from the labour market, while providing industry-leading wrap-around services for every participant. These programs help people take the next steps from engagement through to training and employment and include traineeships and apprenticeships.

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Live Training Sites

Through our infrastructure works and other smaller scale projects with local image stakeholders we can deliver vital “hands-on” skills and help people connect to accredited and non-accredited vocational pathways. Among the industry sectors we’re targeting are Civil Construction, Construction, Horticulture, Landscaping, Conservation Land Management, Aged Care, Home and Community Care, Individual Support Services, Early Childhood Education and Care, Business Administration and Hospitality.

Program impact

Since the SPARK was established in 2016, the award winning training and employment program has delivered significant outcomes, changing the lives of hundreds of participants and generating flow on benefits to the community.

  • 1672 training places

    1672 training places

  • 707 work experience placements

    707 work experience placements

  • 845 jobs created

    845 jobs created

  • $7.2m funding secured

    $7.2m funding secured

Latest News

  • Recycling at The Link at Ginninderry: Your Complete Guide to Sustainable Waste Management

  • Café Stepping Stone founders named Australia’s Local Heroes for 2025

  • What’s happening in and around Ginninderry this February!

  • Mini Train Rides at Dusk: Community Grant Brings Affordable Family Fun to Ginninderry

  • Nature Through the Lens: Adrian Fallace Exhibition Opens at The Link