Working towards featuring local artists in Ginninderry’s future display village

On Monday I had the opportunity to meet with many local artist representatives to capture their thoughts on a potential project to pilot an Artist Catalogue at Ginninderry.

This followed on from a presentation to the Display Village builders who were enthusiastic about the idea and very keen to try it out. They certainly understood and appreciated the trademark Ginninderry “doing it differently” approach.

Rather than using ‘off the shelf’ imported items to style the display homes, a curated group of artists and artisans will be invited to submit their work for consideration. Repeatable products including ceramic flatware, tableware, decorative ceramic and glass works, prints and textiles as well as a few unique state artworks, paintings and sculptural pieces will be available to individually style each home, with the works being offered for sale to visitors of the display village.

Products traditionally used to style display village homes are mostly mass produced, off the shelf items which lend a bland, mass market look to the environments. The artist catalogue project affords the opportunity to instead create a showcase of local creativity and a unique sense of individuality within each display home at Ginninderry.

As part of the Create Program, this project presents a unique opportunity for Ginninderry to foster culture and community by showcasing hand crafted and locally designed products made by artists and craftspeople in the Capital Region.

It was really exciting to talk to this group of people representing some of the peak arts organisations in the region.  They all recognised the value and opportunity of the proposal and provided some fantastic insights which will help us to develop the pilot and test the idea.

The workshop was the next step in the process of planning and organising the Artist Catalogue Project and we look forward to continued collaboration over the coming year.

Susan Davis – Ginninderry Community & Cultural Planner

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