Walk the Border ACT concludes with Ginninderry crossing

Riverview Projects Managing Director David Maxwell joined Conservation Council President Rod Griffiths as his ‘Walk the Border ACT – A Watershed Walk’ fundraising event crossed onto Ginninderry today.

Walk the Border ACT, which also concluded today, was a 21 day journey to raise money for the Conservation Council, along with highlighting the importance of conservation within the nation’s capital.

Rod, who in total walked 306km was joined on various stages of the journey by fellow conservationists and interested locals.

Upon entering Ginninderry, Rod entered the proposed Conservation Corridor, which is the largest open space in Ginninderry and adjoins both the Murrumbidgee River and Ginninderra Creek.

It has a total area of 596ha spanning across both sides of the ACT/NSW border. As part of the 30 year project, the joint venture is initiating a program of rehabilitation for the corridor.

Walk the Border ACT has seen Rod traverse a range of interesting and diverse landscapes as they follow in the footsteps of ACT’s original surveyors, whose border markers can still be found over a century later.

Starting from Hall on the Centenary trail, the walkers have crossed the gorgeous grassy woodlands of the military firing range with the permission of the Department of Defence; they’ve gone through pine forests and seen a logging operation underway; then onto a railway line; urban streets; industrial sites; and up in the beautiful mountain ash country.

If you would like to donate to Walk the Border ACT, please visit here.

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