Nine turtles saved by volunteers at Strathnairn

The team responsible for conducting the Frogwatch Census, the highly successful annual frog monitoring program at West Belconnen and many other sites across the ACT, set their minds to rescuing turtles earlier this month. A team of 14 dedicated volunteers waded through the ponds at Strathnairn to rescue nine turtles, hundreds of yabbies, thousands of tadpoles and countless water bugs.

Construction workers downed tools and waited patiently while the water creatures were rescued and relocated to a safe place before reconstruction of the pond proceeded. This unusual scene was the result of the pond works which are being carried out at Ginninderry to improve water quality and habitat adjacent to the new Link building currently under construction at Strathnairn.

This kind of local conservation plays an important role in Ginninderry’s sustainability vision.

The development’s conservation corridor demonstrates the project’s commitment to protecting the unique ecological features of West Belconnen.

Partnering with groups such as the Ginninderra Catchment Group’s ACT and Region Frogwatch team also contributes toward building a strong sense of community in Ginninderry by fostering social interactions, offering an engaging and fun activity and working towards a common goal.

Anke Maria Hoefer from Frogwatch said that beyond rescuing the turtles, everyone involved shared lots of laughter, made new friends, learned new skills, broadened their horizons, exchanged various stories and were engaged in something very meaningful, and very entertaining.”

“The volunteers displayed plenty of enthusiasm and amazing problem solving talents, all with a great dose of humour,” Anke Maria said.

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