Invitation to Renewable Energy Community Workshop

The project team has been spending some time thinking about the possibilities and opportunities for renewable energy at West Belconnen.

Some of the things we are looking at are how can we take advantage of the falling cost of solar panels and battery storage and how could we do things differently to help bring you cheaper energy bills?

There are some interesting ideas that we’d like to talk to you about and get your thoughts on.

Be involved in the conversation and come along to our event, an evening of good food and interesting conversation about renewable energy at West Belconnen.

You’ll get a first look at what is being considered for the development, and a chance to influence how it will eventually look and work. It will be a workshop where you will have the opportunity to share your ideas and for us to gauge your reactions to various concepts about renewable energy in the new suburb.

There will be some table activities and questionnaires that you will be asked to participate in.

Joining us will be some of the people who have been helping us to come up with these energy concepts and have considerable knowledge about the subject – they’ll be there to answer any questions you might have and to learn how they could make the concepts work well for you as possible future residents.

Date           Tuesday 14 June
Time           5.30 pm until 8.30 pm
Venue         Belconnen Arts Centre, 118 Emu Bank, Belconnen

The invitation can be viewed here. 

If you’re interested in joining us please click here to register. Please note that as spaces are limited to about 50 community representatives, we advise you to RSVP as soon as you can. To ensure a wide range of perspectives, we have limited attendance to 1 person per household.

We’d like to give everyone who attends an $80 gift voucher as a thank you for their time and thoughts.

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