Meet the Builders of Ginninderry – Part 6: McDonald Jones Homes

A select number of local builders have been handpicked to bring the master planned vision for Ginninderry to life. All of the builders were assessed against a number of criteria, in particular their desire and ability to add to the vision for Ginninderry, as well as offering exceptional value for money and quality.

Our weekly Meet the Builders series will help you to get to know our builders ahead of the release of their house and land packages for sale in 2017.

In our sixth question and answer of the series, we speak with Jason Bisa of McDonald Jones Homes.

Give us a bit of background on you, your company and your story to date.

My name is Jason and I’m the General Manager of McDonald Jones Homes in the Canberra Region.  Involved in the property industry for some 15 years and from a local building family, building homes is in the blood.

McDonald Jones Homes is a project builder with multiple offices established on the East Coast from ACT, throughout NSW and into South East Qld.  Offering a large portfolio of architectural designs at value, McDonald Jones provides a home buying experience like no other.  From steel frames, its own interior design studio, finance, conveyancy and a seamless process to work with buyers from concept to keys.

Establishing itself throughout the Canberra Region, the McDonald Jones Homes team provides local knowledge with the strength of national buying power to build our clients a great home.

What type of homes will you be involved in building at Ginninderry?

McDonald Jones Homes offer a variety of both single level and two storey designs – small, medium and large.  With the benefits of the My Choice Design Studio, buyers are able to dress their home inside and out to meet their taste, style and budget.  And furthermore, picking from the façade library will ensure that your house has a welcoming street appeal and presence.

McDonald Jones will have two houses on the display that will showcase the high level of standard inclusions, plus the endless selection of upgrades and options.

What do you think makes the Ginninderry development different?

The essence of Ginninderry is a balance between a masterplanned community with a respect for the natural environment to promote a sustainable lifestyle.

The amenity, public open spaces and secure neighbourhoods of Ginninderry will grow to create a suburb envied by all, but only experienced by a special few.

Ginninderry is set to redefine living in a new suburb and McDonald Jones is excited to participate as a valued member of the Builder’s Guild.

Why did you want to be involved in this development?

Ginninderry offers a complimentary opportunity for McDonald Jones to further grow and deliver new homes of value to Canberrans.

Like our products, such as steel frames, McDonald Jones sees Ginninderry as a partner delivering a point of difference that will result in a building our clients’ a dream home full of memories.

Without land, McDonald Jones cannot build a house and the intent and purpose of Ginninderry resonates with the values and motivations of McDonald Jones.

What do you love about working in construction?

The construction and property industry ultimately delivers a life changing outcome to a buyer.

Building a home is an infrequent lifetime event.  Designing, decorating and building someone a home is a satisfying journey.  Guiding a buyer through land selection, plan choices, upgrades options and working with them in the realms of their lifestyle aspirations and budget is a rewarding partnership.

To hand over the keys to a client’s new home delivers a sense of pride, achievement concluding with well wishes and knowledge that a family’s future has been secured.

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