Inspire: News & Insights
Register now for West Belconnen Pre-Employment Construction Program
Register now for West Belconnen Pre-Employment Construction Program
One vision, two jurisdictions – planning for the community
The Link at Ginninderry: A multi-purpose centre for the whole community
The origins of Ginninderry
SPARK shines brightly for new childcare program participants
Protecting Strathnairn’s Little Eagles
What the development of Ginninderry means for Ginninderra Falls
The history behind the new Ginninderry suburb names
Canberra’s newest suburbs unveiled in West Belconnen
ACT Government gives the green light to West Belconnen
Supporting local poetry showcase
Inspire Podcast
Ginninderry is proud to present the Inspire Podcast.
Born out of the belief that we can all contribute towards a better world and hosted by Region Media Group Editor, Geneveive Jacobs, we talk to experts, visionaries and locals who share the ways they are making positive changes, both big and small, to inspire a new way of living.