Canberra’s newest suburbs unveiled in West Belconnen

Ginninderry Joint Venture has today welcomed the announcement of Strathnairn and Macnamara as the first two ACT suburb names for the West Belconnen/Parkwood development, a joint venture between Riverview Developments and the ACT Government.

Minister for Housing Yvette Berry MLA made the announcement, representing Chief Minister Andrew Barr. It marks the next important step for the ACT component of the project, which achieved rezoning in the ACT on Friday. The joint venture is working towards achieving a decision on the NSW rezoning in late 2017. If this goal can be achieved, the project will be the first cross-border development for the territory.

Suburbs name announcementFrom left: David Maxwell -Director of Ginninderry Joint Venture, David Dawes -CEO Land Development Agency and Minister for Housing Yvette Berry MLA.

“Strathnairn is a fitting acknowledgement of the area’s heritage,” said David Maxwell, Director of Ginninderry Joint Venture. “The Strathnairn property is an important part of the area’s history and will continue to influence how the development is planned.”

The Strathnairn Arts Centre that is currently located on the property will continue to provide working spaces and facilities for a range of artists, crafts people and community groups as the development progresses.

Mr Maxwell also acknowledged the decision to name a suburb after acclaimed medical scientist Dame Jean Macnamara.

“Dame Jean Macnamara, alongside her work in the field of medical science, was passionate about Australia’s rural heritage and environment. We share her passion and will ensure our project contributes to protecting the natural environment and heritage of the region,” Mr Maxwell said.

The formal announcement of the first two suburb names is an important milestone in the progression of the West Belconnen / Parkwood development with the first sales release planned for early 2017.

LDA Chief Executive David Dawes said the project was an important part of the ACT’s growth and development in the years to come.

“This development will provide a sustainable way to manage the growing population in the region and will build on and improve existing infrastructure,” Mr Dawes said.

“As the ACT grows it will need a mix of housing types to cater for its growing population and this development plays an important role in providing that diversity.

“The 11,500 new dwellings that will be developed over the next 30 to 40 years will provide a variety of accommodation types – including single dwellings, apartments, townhouses and terraces – for up to 30,000 residents.”

The West Belconnen / Parkwood development will set a new benchmark in livability by building a community that provides diverse, affordable and inclusive places to live, work and play.

Further background information about the suburb names can be found here.

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