Strathnairn Garden Commons
Status: Site preparation
Responsible Entity: Canberra Food Forestry
Project Timeline
20 August
Initial Community Consultation
Mid-August to Mid-September
Initial Design Phase
Further Community Consultation
Feedback on the initial design scope of work & suggested species list
Refine Design
Refine design and source materials
TCCS Approval
Approval granted on 29 November 2024
January 2025
Site preparation
Work will be carried out in January to relocate pots to their ultimate location and recondition the soil
February 2025
First working bee
Initial working bee to plant out pots & herb spiral!
Corey from Canberra Food Forestry submitted a successful application for a community grant from Ginninderry to establish a shared garden space on Tredwell Street. Corey has experience with urban food forests or garden commons, having helped with Gawari Mada (Holt Micro Forest). Corey’s goal is to turn an empty patch of lawn into a thriving garden common that the community will have ownership of and reap the benefits from.
The homes on Tredwell Street led to the creation of the “Green Link” to connect Holt to the Conservation Corridor and provide public open space to support the townhouses with smaller yards. The Green Link was also intended for residents to take ownership of and use as public spaces, whether that was for gatherings, picnics or ever planting veggie or herb patches. We hope that the introduction of the garden commons will create a meeting space for people to connect with each other and the environment.
While Corey is initially planning & setting the garden up and Ginninderry is supporting the garden and funding, this is ultimately a community asset that we hope to see thriving long into the future thanks to the local residents who will help bring it to life!
Summary of first Garden commons Community Consultation – August 20th 2023
Ginninderry Garden Commons – Design V1
Suggested Species for food forest