Drake-Brockman Drive Upgrades

Status: DA Approved
Responsible Entity: Ginninderry JV

Project Timeline


Commencement of stakeholder engagement with the Drake-Brockman Drive Resident’s group


Commenced Design Development


Continued engagement on the proposed road design


Road designs confirmed with stakeholder engagement inputs


In-principle design endorsement from Transport Canberra City Services


Preparing documentation for Development Application submission


Refreshed community engagement prior to DA submission

Q3 2023

Anticipated DA Submission


Anticipated DA approval

Approval received November 2024

February - March 2025

Detail Design Phase

2025 - 2026

Stage 2 Works - Construction Timeline

* Subject to approvals and construction timing.


Stage 3 Works - Construction Timeline

* Subject to approvals and construction timing.

Project Updates

16 December 2024DA Update Letter

Letter (linked here) issued to residents facing Drake-Brockman Drive to provide an update on the Development Approval.

15 February 2024DBD Period For Representation Opened

Closes 6/3/24

Find out more here.

10 November 2023DA Submitted
5 April 2023Drake-Brockman Drive Engagement

In preparing the Development Application, Ginninderry is currently engaging local Drake-Brockman Drive residents with consultation open until 26 May 2023.

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About this project

The Ginninderry Joint Venture (Ginninderry) has been working on the Drake-Brockman Drive road upgrade since 2015. Drake-Brockman Drive was flagged as enabling infrastructure required to facilitate the Ginninderry development. The upgrades have been planned for delivery in three stages to ensure the road is upgraded to adequately accommodate the growth of Ginninderry.

Stage 1 works were completed in 2018. The stage 1 road works focused on the implementation of Local Area Traffic Management measures, specifically designed to address driver behaviour and safety issues along the corridor. Click here for more information on Stage 1 works.

Stage 2 works facilitate the road widening upgrades as a priority to improve road capacity and the efficiency and safe movement of vehicle traffic within the West Belconnen road network. Design work is underway to inform a Development Application for the proposed road improvements along Drake-Brockman Drive between the Stockdill Drive and Cussen Street intersections.  As part of the scope of works, there will be some earthworks, construction of a shared path (2.5 metres wide) within the road reserve and extensive landscaping.

Ginninderry continues to engage with the local community on issues such as proposed upgrades and design and has undertaken extensive stakeholder engagement with the Drake-Brockman Drive Resident’s group since 2015. Included within the stakeholder engagement activities are stakeholder groups such as the Belconnen Community Council, Pedal Power and Equestrian User Groups.

Ginninderry is close to DA submission and would like to inform the community of the progress of the Drake-Brockman Drive upgrade. Given the Ginninderry Project has undertaken extensive community engagement and the road design has not changed since this engagement in 2019, a lot of the information that will be presented in the update remains consistent with the information presented since 2019. If you’re a new resident or would like a refresh on this project, we have made additional stakeholder sessions available for this project.


In 2014, Ginninderry undertook a master planning process that identified up to three potential road access points to the development. Drake-Brockman Drive was identified as the primary access point for future residents due to its arterial road classification and direct access linking major town centres and Civic. To accommodate projected population growth within Ginninderry, it was identified that DBD would require three stages of upgrades between 2019 and 2040.

Ginninderry’s 2014 master plan identified three proposed stages of improvements for the DBD road corridor.

  1. Completed in 2019, this consisted of local area traffic management and active travel improvements, including marked cycle lanes through intersections and new pedestrian refuge crossings.
  2. Earmarked for completion between 2025 and 2026, upgrades will occur between Pro Hart Avenue and Macnaughton Street. The upgrades will include: three (3) new signalised intersections at Spofforth Street, Trickett Street and Macnaughton Street; a new service road to access properties fronting DBD; improved pedestrian and cycle facilities; and a widened road corridor to accommodate the future duplication of DBD.
  3. Earmarked for completion post-2031, this includes full duplication of DBD between Pro Hart Avenue and Kingsford Smith Drive.

Once Stage 3 works are complete, DBD will consist of:

  • Two traffic lanes in each direction with up to three lanes at certain points to accommodate turn lanes at intersections;
  • Upgrades to the northern verge, including on-road cycle lanes, off-road cycle path and a pedestrian path;
  • Upgrades to the southern verge, including on-road cycle lanes, off-road recreation path alongside the existing equestrian trail;
  • Service road for property access on the north side of the corridor;
  • Landscaped central median;
  • Three new signalised intersections and four new priority-controlled intersections;
  • Improved bus stops.

Yes. The DBD upgrades will include new on-road cycle lanes and off-road cycle and pedestrian paths.

The Ginninderry Joint Venture works closely with ACT Government’s Transport Canberra and City Services and will coordinate works to minimise impacts on the local community where the projects interact. Ginninderry will provide regular communication to the community to ensure everyone is informed.

For more information on WHD works, click the link following: https://www.cityservices.act.gov.au/Infrastructure-Projects/woden-weston-creek-and-molonglo/william-hovell-duplication

Ginninderry facilitates a working group with Drake-Brockman Drive Residents, which everyone is welcome to join. This group meets regularly to receive updates on DBD and Ginninderry more broadly. In addition, the community will be able to participate in the formal consultation activities that will form part of the Development Application process for each of the road upgrades.

Enquire via the form below to stay informed.

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