What’s happening with the landfill site?

This video explains what is happening with the West Belconnen landfill, how demolition material from Mr Fluffy home demolitions is being disposed of and the precautions being undertaken. It also gives you an idea of what a rehabilitated landfill site can be used for.

It will be about 10 years before the Ginninderry development reaches the vicinity of the landfill site.

The old landfill site on Parkwood Road, Macgregor closed to the public in May 2002 but remains as the Territory’s emergency landfill. As part of the Ginninderry project the ACT Government is examining alternative sites for emergency landfill. The establishment of an alternative site will enable permanent closure of the landfill and rehabilitation of the site.

When the landfill is permanently closed and rehabilitated the site will be used for public open space and community-related activities including projects supporting environmental sustainability.

The main goal for the landfill site is to transform it into a sustainability precinct. Potential uses of the rehabilitated landfill could include an Ecology Business Park, an urban farm, renewable energy, an Ecology Park, community spaces and a variety of recreational activities.  An example of a successful rehabilitated landfill site is the CERES sustainability centre located on 4.5 hectares on the Merri Creek in East Brunswick, Melbourne.

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