The Long-Term Benefits of Switching to Solar

This month the ReNew Magazine published an article in their April 2018 issue comparing energy costs over 10 years for houses with gas appliances, electrical appliances, and electrical appliances with solar panels, based on a study by the Alternative Technology Association (ATA).

‘ For new homes, the best choice is clear: go all-electric and install solar PV’

Here’s what was found:

As you can see, over a 10-year period, no matter where you live, having an all-electric house with solar power (in blue) saves thousands of dollars over an all-electric house without solar (in red), and even more over the cost of running gas appliances (the base line). Here in Canberra, switching from gas to all-electric saves the average household about $6,000 over 10 years, and adding solar saves another $10,000. Together that’s $16,000 over 10 years..

That’s why here at Ginninderry we’ve mandated the installation of solar panels on every house and have implemented a fully electric homes solution for Stage One of Ginninderry. This all-electric energy pilot project is a first for the ACT and allows us to research the impacts that this sort of system has on the broader electricity grid. So start considering solar – It’s not just better for the environment. It’s better, and more affordable, for you too.


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