Terrace Homes with a difference at Ginninderry

There will be a variety of housing typologies available at Ginninderry , designed to take into account the way people now live and the diverse demographics of our future community. There will be traditional family homes, along with new design types called flexi-living homes and streetscape homes, plus terraces, townhouses and apartments.

Hoa Luu, Design Manager for Ginninderry noted that the development is focusing on providing houses that are designed with smart storage solutions that allow people to live very differently.

“Traditionally, if you want to live in a 1 or 2-bedroom house, the only choice you have is apartment living, which obviously comes with its costs in terms of body corporate fees and limitations on changing the design,” Hoa said.

“At Ginninderry we are looking at having choices of housing, where you can have 1-bedroom plus study or 2-bedroom homes on separately titled blocks.”

One of the typologies available will be a terrace home, offering a real alternative to apartment living.

Terrace homes by definition refer to houses built in a row, on their own compact blocks, with a courtyard garden and a garage or carport off a rear lane. At Ginninderry we plan to take this well-known housing type and integrate it with new design innovations and thinking, to create different and interesting streetscapes. There might for example be a 1-bedroom home attached to a 3-bedroom home, but from the street there won’t be an obvious distinction or disconnection in design.  Unlike older style terraces, which were built without orientation and sustainability principles in mind, designs at Ginninderry will be contemporary and innovative, with a real focus on maximising natural light into the living areas, creating highly sought after modern low maintenance homes.

Hoa said, “One of the great benefits of living in a terrace home is that they are a low maintenance housing choice. The beauty of them is that you don’t need to compromise on giving up a backyard, as each terrace comes with its own private outdoor space, ideal for entertaining and a small garden.

“We would expect terrace homes to appeal to a wide range of people, from professional couples and singles to families just starting out with a baby and empty nesters. They are designed to suit many parts of the community with different budgets and lifestyle aspirations.”

To find out more about flexible living options at the new development, click here.

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