Road network and traffic: the plan for Ginninderry

The Ginninderry project has undertaken detailed modelling to assess roads and traffic in the proposed project area.

The modelling identified a range of necessary upgrades

The important roads that will serve Ginninderry are:

  • Southern Cross Drive
  • Drake-Brockman Drive
  • Ginninderra Drive
  • William Hovell Drive
  • Florey Drive

Proposed works to ensure that Ginninderry’s road network supports the new development are in place.

Here, we walk you through the key stages in the project:


During this stage there will be approximately 600 dwellings in Ginninderry. Works anticipated for this period include:

  • Widening and realignment of Stockill Drive to form a new entry in to the development
  • Provision of right turn lanes at intersections along Drake-Brockman Drive
  • Provision of a bus queue jump lane at intersection of Southern Cross Drive and Kingsford Smith Drive


By 2027 it is anticipated that Ginninderry will be made up of approximately 2,900 dwellings.

During this stage there will be:

  • Further augmentation along Drake-Brockman Drive including a service road and modified intersection layouts (subject to change to an earlier timeframe)
  • Widening of pavement and realignment of Parkwood Road to form a new entry
  • Signal metering at roundabout intersection of Drake-Brockman Drive and Kingsford Smith Drive
  • Provision of priority 2 local area traffic management measures to streets in Holt
  • New traffic signals at intersections of Southern Cross Drive and Starke Street


By this stage there will be around 5,600 dwellings in Ginninderry. Proposed works include:

  • Duplication of the full extent of Drake Brockman Drive and new traffic signals at Trickett and McNaughton Street
  • Construction of left turn bypass lane from William Hovell Drive on to Drake Brockman Drive


With 8,500 dwellings to serve, the following upgrades will be made in this final stage:

  • Additional adjustments to intersection layouts along Drake-Brockman Drive
  • Service road on the southern side of Southern Cross Drive
  • Provision of eastbound queue jump lane for buses at Florey Drive intersection
  • Provision of new road connection for completion of Ginninderra Drive through Dunlop and Macgregor

Note that whilst the above proposed improvement and timings have been based on the best available data and modelling it is hard to accurately predict future traffic conditions over such a long time horizon. As such timings and indeed the proposed improvements are expected to be progressively reviewed and updated as the project progresses.

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