SPARK wins Industry Collaboration Award for the third year

The Ginninderry Construction Program, delivered by Quality Training in Construction and Ginninderry’s SPARK Training and Employment Initiative, has taken out the ACT Industry Collaboration Award at the 2020 ACT Training Awards. This is the third time a SPARK program has picked up the Industry Collaboration Award since its establishment in 2016.

The Ginninderry Construction Program is designed to support local people disconnected from the labour market in Belconnen and the wider ACT region. Participants undertook a Certificate II in Construction.

SPARK Program Coordinator Ashleigh Johnson provided hands-on support and guidance to participants and says the program had a significant impact.

“In addition to the qualification, the program provided participants with essential industry training and work placements, personal development, case management, counselling, mentoring support and employment pathways within the construction sector,” she said.

“We’re looking forward to following their journey and I’m confident that this program will lead to positive outcomes for this group of graduates”.

A live training site within the Strathnairn Arts Association grounds enabled participants to develop their skills while building a piece of infrastructure for the local community. This model provides participants with a holistic approach to learning and skills development by combining theory with live site works and a range of supports to ensure success.

The Master Builders Group Training and Ginninderry SPARK Women in Civil Construction Program was also a finalist for the Industry Collaboration Award.

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