SPARK JobTrainer Women In Civil Construction Program 2023
Today, 12 participants graduated from the SPARK JobTrainer Women in Civil Construction Program ?
This program provided these women with hands-on experience thanks to a four-week work placement in the civil construction industry and crucial training qualifications, including white card and asbestos awareness. The participants also experienced a range of workshops that focused on resilience, mental health and well-being, time management and more.
Thank you to Master Builders ACT for making this program so impactful, and a massive thank you also goes to the Industry and Training partners that made this program possible: Huon Contractors, Wodens, Guideline Civil Engineering Contractors, Complex Co., Cord Civil, Canberra Contractors BMD, ChinCivil, Southern Training Organisation, Fearless Women and The Healthy Traidie.
This program was made possible through JobTrainer, a jointly funded initiative of the ACT and Australian Governments.