Meet Ana Livanes – Ginninderry’s Marketing and Communications Coordinator 

This week we meet Ana Livanes, Ginninderry’s Marketing and Communications Coordinator.


Ana has worn many hats in her time at Ginninderry. From the receptionist to sales host and compliance officer, to now following her creative side into the role of Marketing and Communication Coordinator. Ana is responsible for Ginninderry’s social media accounts, as well as assisting in events like the annual Christmas in the Park and Iftar, and the upcoming Inspire Festival.



Tell us a bit about yourself.                     

I am Canberran born and bred. I have lived here all my life and now own my home in Strathnairn. Coming from a large family, it is almost a given that they mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for their support.


The highlight of growing up was when my family of 6 travelled around Australia with our caravan – twice! On the second lap, I met a horse in North Queensland. This sparked my love of horses; my sister and I now own 5 together.


I also recently commenced my Bachelor of Media and Communications at the University of New England.


What does your role bring to the Ginninderry project?   

I like to think that I bring a little bit of spice to the office. As the youngest, I am the one that everyone goes to for technology issues, and I tend to get away with being bouncy and calling people old (in jest, of course).


In terms of the work that I do, I would like to think that my social content is helping to educate and excite people about the project. Most of the time I have the cheekiest grin on my face when posting on our socials – especially when it is a reel!


I have also been known to get quite passionate when talking about Ginninderry with clients – sometimes too passionate!


A Fun Fact?

My favourite thing to do is go for a long drive – like, 19 hours long. I feel right at home behind the wheel with country music blasting. And then there’s Warhammer… my current army is drukhari, but they are sitting in the display case half-painted.


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