Ginninderry’s Emma Sckrabei to sit on West Belconnen Network Leadership Group

Ginninderry Joint Venture’s Emma Sckrabei, who is responsible for heading up SPARK, Ginninderry’s Training and Employment Initiative, has been selected to participate on the West Belconnen Network Leadership Group: a group which seeks to work with residents to improve access to services such as health, education, housing and justice.

The Network Leadership Group is a joint government, community and service user authority that will provide oversight and direction for the implementation of the West Belconnen Local Services Network.

The West Belconnen Local Services Network works to identify the things that can help to make the community stronger, more independent and connected.

This includes improving access to information, maintaining and improving community facilities, improving transport options, and continuing to build a sense of West Belconnen Pride.

The commitments of the Network are:

  • Ensuring people and families have a positive experience when accessing services that are simple, respectful and easy to use.
  • Continuing to build the capacity of people and families to connect with their local community to receive the right support when they need it.
  • Working together with local services, local business and people to share resources and to reduce service duplication.

Emma said that the Network is important to Ginninderry Joint Venture in terms of building positive relationships with local service providers in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges they face.

“These connections will be crucial when designing services for the community in the new Ginninderry development,” Emma said.

“I’m looking forward to contributing my expertise and knowledge within the vocational education, training and employment space, and assisting with the development of initiatives in West Belconnen that make a real difference to the community’s quality of life.”

“My intention is to add value by providing the local community with economic opportunities while fostering new relationships for the Network within the residential/commercial development sector.”

IMG_9467- blog and social 2Ginninderry’s Emma Sckrabei with Minister for Multicultural and Youth Affairs Yvette Berry at the official opening of the Youth Employment Pathways Hub

The SPARK Training and Employment Initiative is a key component of the Ginninderry residential development being project managed by Riverview Projects in partnership with the ACT Government. This initiative will work in collaboration with local stakeholders, agencies and territory and federal departments to develop a range of engagement, education, training and employment pathways for local people within the West Belconnen and Belconnen region.

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