A vodcast from Ginninderry designed to inspire

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When you look at Jessica Stewart’s CV it veers towards the cold, hard sciences of Engineering, Materials and Mechanics, Sustainability, and Renewable Energy Systems.

But she also studied Science Communication, and it’s this part that has proven her a natural when it comes to hosting a new Inspire vodcast – an extension of the popular podcast that already has two seasons under its belt.

As Ginninderry’s Head of Sustainability and Community Development, hosting a vodcast (a podcast also available in video form) is a mile away from Jess’ usual core business of managing all of the sustainability and community development initiatives required to ensure Ginninderry upholds its 6 star Green Star Communities rating and its project vision.

But Ginninderry’s Inspire vodcast takes some of Canberra’s most impressive community members and shines a spotlight on the myriad ways they are working to make life better for people and the planet. For Jess, it has been a pleasure as well as an eye-opening experience.

Not that it’s been all smooth sailing.

“It’s always scary when the things that come out of my mouth are recorded for the world to hear!” she says.

But she says it has been a privilege to take five outstanding guests and record them as they relate their passions and skills in creating a more mindful, compassionate and sustainable society.

This series, we’ll hear from: Founder and President of HelpingACT, Mohammed Ali; Australian Botanical Artist Sharon Field; Director of Canberra Environment Centre, Fiona Veikkanen; Ginninderry’s Arts & Cultural Planning Advisor, Tom Gray; and Jo Farrell, General Manager of Kane Constructions and 2024 ACT Australian of the Year.


“We are so lucky to be able to learn from and work with incredible people. The Inspire vodcast is a great way to share these conversations and amplify the message from these incredible Canberrans,” she says.

“I hope these conversations make people look at the world a little differently, with a little more interest and empathy. Sustainability is all about storytelling. It’s only through relatable stories that we can raise awareness, understanding and action towards a more sustainable future. Any message is only as good as the story it’s told through.”

Jess encourages you all to tune into any or all of the Inspire vodcasts as they are rolled out over the coming months.

While she too is an expert in the field of environmental sustainability, she says the messages she heard from each of her guests gave her some notable lessons in life – namely the importance of taking time to actually ‘see’ the people and nature around you, how it doesn’t take all that much to give back and care, and that beauty is everywhere if we stop and look for it.

Below is the first episode with Sharon Field.

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