5 ways to have a green Halloween

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Planning a spooktacular Halloween?

Here’s how to have a boo-tiful celebration that doesn’t cost the earth.


Rather than buying new decorations, reuse supplies from last Halloween or think about how to use things you already have to make your own.

Transform laddered pantyhose into spider webs or give foam packing-peanuts a coat of paint to turn them into worms.

Have a hunk of Styrofoam lying around? Use it to make Halloween masks (it’s perfect for Michael Myers!). Or turn cardboard boxes into tombstones – there’s also lots you can do with net bags, cotton balls, or leaves and branches from the yard.

Halloween just wouldn’t be the same without a Jack-o-lantern so be sure to buy your pumpkins from local farmers’ markets. And don’t throw away all the goodness from inside your pumpkin once it’s hollowed out – toast the seeds (they make delicious snacks) or turn the flesh into pumpkin pie or muffins.

Create your own costume

Don’t buy expensive ready-made costumes that you’ll never wear again – explore your existing wardrobe or local thrift shop and get creative.

Old ballgowns make for a great Carrie costume (just add crown and…er…blood), whereas black clothes or a stripey jumper can turn you into an instant member of the Addams Family.

If you have little ones, make a game of turning old clothes into costumes.

Party smart

Ok, so no one likes washing up after parties, but disposable cups, plates and cutlery are not kind to the environment. Use regular dishes or – if you really can’t stomach the thought of letting little ones loose with your good crockery – buy biodegradable ones, and use a marker or labels to help party-goers keep track of theirs.

Where possible, buy locally-produced foods, candies and treats – even better if they have minimal packaging or are packaged in recycled materials.

And rather than stocking up on plastic Trick-or-Treat bags, use a bucket, pillowcase, or even a gift bag from your favourite shop that you’ve been saving to recycle.

Keep it local

Trick or Treat by walking around your neighbourhood instead of driving to another haunt – be sure to check out Ginninderry’s handy map to plan your route. Get to know your neighbours, reduce your carbon emissions and help keep the streets safe for other walkers.

Reuse and recycle

Don’t just chuck it in the bin – compost your organic matter and recycle everything else.

And once the scares are over for another year, gather all your decorations and costumes up and keep them for next year – or give them to charity so someone else can enjoy them!

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