GX Artist Profile: Erin Conron

Erin Conron is a glass artist living and working in Canberra. Following a busy year of making in 2018, Erin took the opportunity in 2019 to take a creative “leave of absence” and embarked on a road trip with her family travelling through the Northern Territory, all the while gaining inspiration for new creations in her favoured medium of glass.

Currently working as a visual arts teacher, Erin is also making new work for a solo exhibition planned for Canberra’s Beaver Galleries in February 2021. “Shifting focus”, the work illustrated in this update beautifully exemplifies the artist’s skilful use of the aesthetic elision of simple forms and subtle decorative elements.

For more information about Erin please refer to the GX Arts Trail Catalogue or please email susan@ginninderry.com

“Shifting focus”, 2019

Blown glass, multi-fired enamels

Dimensions variable

Courtesy: Beaver Galleries, Canberra

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