Strathnairn ECEC – Year 6 School

Status: DA Approved
Responsible Entity: ACT Government

Project Timeline


Appointment of Tender (Design)

2023 - 2024

Design Development


School Construction Commencement


Anticipated Opening

Progress updates and timelines will be shared here as the project evolves.

Work is underway for Ginninderry’s first preschool to year 6 school and Early Childhood Education Care (ECEC) setting in Strathnairn.

In the early stage of the project, the school is referred to as its location, Strathnairn ECEC to year 6 school. As the project progresses, the school will be named through a formal process involving key stakeholders and community engagement.

The school will cater for over 600 preschool to year 6 students including an Early Childhood Education Care (ECEC) setting.  Comprehensive planning and works are undertaken to ensure schools are conveniently located, well-designed, inclusive, sustainable, safe, and able to meet their area’s enrolment needs.

The Strathnairn ECEC to year 6 school is set to open its doors for the 2026 school year.