
A partnership approach is at the heart of Ginninderry's ongoing planning

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Community partnerships

Collaboration with the government, community and industry has been central to our approach since the initial stages of planning. Ginninderry will continue to develop and foster genuine partnerships with local residents, conservation, Indigenous, arts, education, industry and sporting groups.

Ginninderry Aboriginal Advisory Group

Ginninderry is a place of cultural value to the Aboriginal people and communities of the region and beyond. Ginninderry and the cultural places within it are elements in a wider cultural landscape bound together and traversed by a complex network of songlines and pathways.

The Ginninderra Aboriginal Advisory Group (GAAG) was formed in 2018 through the cultural heritage assessment process undertaken in 2017 with the ACT Registered Aboriginal Organisations (RAOs) and NSW Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) for the Ginninderry Project.

Ginninderra Catchment Group

The Ginninderra Catchment Group is an incorporated umbrella group of community volunteers working in the water catchment of the Ginninderra Creek.

The primary focus of the Group is advancing the health of the Ginninderra Catchment through effective engagement with government, agencies, business, schools and the catchment community. It has a strong commitment to community education and capacity building and seek to create diverse opportunities for people to become involved in catchment management, decision-making and on-ground action. View more.

The Ginninderry project has been working with the Catchment group over a period of years; this has resulted in a series of joint projects including a rehabilitation planting program for Ginninderra Creek west of the ACT/NSW border, water quality analysis and participation in a frogwatch program. The Ginninderra Catchment Group  has also taken on the job of coordinating the Ginninderry Bush on the Boundary group.

Ginninderry has teamed up with the Ginninderra Catchment Group to help sponsor a West Belconnen Branch of The Frogwatch Census, the highly successful annual frog monitoring program, and have provided funding assistance to the catchment group to undertake a biodiversity survey of the Ginninderra Gorge area.

UnitingCare Kippax

UnitingCare Kippax is a local, community-based organisation that offers care and practical assistance to people. It works in close co-operation with Kippax Uniting Church to offer true holistic care. Ginninderry has had a close association with UnitingCare Kippax since opening the project office at Kippax in February 2013.

This has included UnitingCare representatives on the People and Places Group, assistance and participation in employment and training programs, and sharing office space – surplus space at the Ginninderry Project Office has been made available for use by several UnitingCare Kippax community support programs.

Belconnen Community Council

Belconnen Community Council (BCC) is a voluntary, not for profit, community-based association operating in the Belconnen district. This area covers all of the existing suburbs of Belconnen and will encompass the new suburbs at Ginninderry in the future.

The Ginninderry project has kept the BCC up-to-date with planning and activities at Ginninderry with regular briefings to BCC meetings since 2011. BCC is represented on the Ginninderry People and Places Group.

Belconnen Community Service

Belconnen Community Service (BCS) is a regional community service established in 1975 by the people of Belconnen. BCS provides a wide range of high quality, integrated and inclusive programs and services to individuals, families, children and young people in the Belconnen Region.

The Ginninderry project has connected with BCS in the development of community facilities and programs for the project area, in job training and employment schemes. The Ginninderry project is in discussion with BCS on the possibility of them having a role in delivering services such as transport to residents.

Conservation Council of the ACT Region

The mission of the Conservation Council, a non-profit organisation, is to achieve the highest quality environment for the Canberra region. They do this through advocacy, campaigning and community engagement with the aim of working to achieve a better future for the ACT’s environment. In line with this role the Conservation Council has closely monitored the Ginninderry project as it progresses through the various planning and environmental approval processes.

The Conservation Council is represented on the Bush on the Boundary and Ginninderra Falls Working Groups and this and other linkages provide for a regular flow of information between the project and the Council, which first commenced in 2011.

The Fenner School of Nature and the Environment

The Australian National University’s Fenner School of Environment and Society is a place where economists, hydrologists, historians, ecologists, foresters, geographers and climatologists all work together seeking solutions to some of contemporary society’s most significant challenges. The Fenner School provides a forum for the rigorous exploration of diverse ideas, perspectives, and methods of identifying and solving problems at the interface of the natural and social sciences, including the humanities, as they apply to the environment and sustainability.

The Ginninderry project offers a number of opportunities for research into processes and relationships associated with a newly growing urban area and several research initiatives, sponsored jointly by Ginninderry and the Fenner School, are underway.