Ginninderry architects scoop top national award

The Ginninderry project team would like to congratulate architects McGregor Coxall, whose ‘West Belconnen Open Space Strategy’ has been acknowledged for its work in positioning Ginninderry as a world-leading, green community by receiving the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) National Award for Land Conservation.

At its core, the West Belconnen Open Space Strategy project firmly shakes off the belief that greenfield development is bad for the environment. In fact, conservation is central to development, as the project paves a way for a new community of 30,000 people to share their environment with threatened species, while also providing opportunities for more traditional recreational activity.

Incorporating historical landfill sites, the plans show protection of specialised natural habitats, enhancement of ecological features, and opportunities for large-scale revegetation. This is balanced with the provision of space for renewable energy projects, community facilities and urban agriculture.

From an architectural perspective, Ginninderry presents a unique opportunity to re-think the way residential communities are created.
You can read about how we are building a diverse community through the Ginninderry Masterplan here.

Find out more about Ginninderry’s approach to sustainability in our Six Star Green Star Community factsheet.

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