Sale by auction

Terrace Packs and Multi Unit site for sale by auction – Thursday 18 October at 11am

These four packs are being offered to the market in Strathnairn, Ginninderry’s first suburb. Located in Stage 1, the land is located adjacent to the existing Strathnairn Arts precinct and the future community recreation park, with easy access to the natural attractions that set Ginninderry apart.

The RZ3 and RZ4 sites are positioned close to all amenities and offer plenty of lead-time to finalise your designs under the permissible uses of the Territory Plan and Ginninderry Terrace Design Guidelines. These sites are a fantastic opportunity to cater for buyers of this high demand development and growing community, which will ultimately be home to up to 30,000 people.

No. of Blocks
Areas (m2) 
Mandatory No. of affordable homes
Expected Settlement Date Range
1 h –q AS 10 124 – 274 RZ3 2 Sep 19 –Mar 20
2 q – t AO 4 140 – 198 RZ4 N/A Sep 19 – Mar 20
3 u – ab AO 8 140 – 215 RZ4 N/A Sep 19 – Mar 20
MU8 c AB 1 1345 RZ3 N/A Apr 19 – Nov 19

*Affordable Homes are homes that comply with the ACT Affordable Housing Action Plan

For further information and sample contracts please contact:

Ross Hincksman
Ginninderry Sales Consultant
M: 0447 333 004
P: 1800 316 900

Andrew Smith
Director Civium Property
M: 0409 600 471

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