Ginninderry wins major civil construction award

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Civil construction works in Ginninderry have been recognised by industry for the second year in a row with Stages 2A and 2B1 in Strathnairn winning the MBA and Asset Construction Hire Award for Excellence in the Civil Subdivision category.

The works included earthworks, hydraulics and underground services, roadworks, concrete works, retaining walls, fencing, environmental protection, landscaping, temporary traffic management, associated works, approvals, and asset acceptance.

Several off-site works were required to facilitate the Strathnairn Stage 2 development including construction of water quality control ponds, trunk sewer main, curved concrete and gabion clad retaining walls along with gabion retaining walls, offsite stockpiling of spoil and topsoil for beneficial re-use, construction of ‘The Link’ carpark, and remediation erosion hotspots at the downstream receiving waterway.

Strathnairn Stage 2 was a complex project that involved many different fronts of work happening concurrently with tight deadlines, requiring a highly skilled construction and project management team working closely with the Superintendent and the developer. The project posed several challenges which were overcome through meticulous planning, collaborative approach and organised supervision.

One example of extensive planning required was for the use of Reconophalt™. Reconophalt™ is the first road surfacing material in Australia containing high recycled content derived from waste streams, such as soft plastics, glass and toner, which would otherwise be bound for landfill or stockpiled. As the product was being used for the first time in a ACT subdivision, consultation with relevant authorities was required in advance to ensure approvals could be granted in time for placement. The use of Reconophalt™ was a great success, with the roads having a high quality finish while paving the way for the continued use of the sustainable solution on other projects in the ACT. Just another example of Ginninderry upholding its vision of being a sustainable community of international significance.

Overall, Strathnairn Stage 2A and 2B1 involved the development of 346 residential dwelling sites along with the construction of a 5.6m high curved concrete retaining wall and laying of over 3,500m2 of exposed aggregated concrete. The development site is located on a plateau, elevated above the Murrumbidgee River, and drains via a water course to the river. Despite the technically difficult aspects of the project, the team (including Huon Contractors and Calibre Group) successfully adhered to a strict environmental management plan.

Three other Ginninderry projects were finalists for major awards at the 2021 event, demonstrating the innovation embedded across the project.

  • Strathnairn Stage 2A and 2B1 for the Civil Subdivision award (along with our partners at Huon Contractors and Calibre Group)
  • Ashphalt works in Strathnairn for the Sustainable Civil Project award (via our partners at Downer)
  • Paddys Park for the Landscape Design and Construction award (along with our partners at RAM Constructions)
  • Ginninderry Stage 1 landscaping works for the Landscape Design and Construction award (via our partners at Glascott Landscape and Civil)



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