Put to the test: 5 benefits of induction cooktops

At Ginninderry, we’re big fans of induction cooktops. As well as being more energy efficient than gas and electric cooktops, they form an important part of our integrated home energy package. To highlight the difference that induction cooktops offer, we’ve put together a list of the key benefits and put them to the test with Daana Restaurants head chef Sanjay Kumar.


1. Speed

One of the biggest selling points of the induction cooktop is speed. While gas and electric cooktops transfer heat through flames and electric burners respectively, induction cooktops generate heat directly in the pan.


2. Energy Efficiency

When heat is generated within the pan itself, as with induction, the energy is focused on cooking your meal – not heating the air around the pot. The reduced energy consumption means lower power bills and healthier environments.


3. Cleaning

Since induction cooktops don’t heat the surface of the cooktop, any splatter or spill won’t burn onto the surface. Plus, as soon as you finish cooking, the cooktop will be cool enough for you to easily clean any mess you’ve made.


4. Control

Control is arguably the most important feature of a cooktop, it’s why many serious cooks prefer gas to electric. Induction allows for much more precise control of heat than even gas, with more temperature increments and better performance.


5. Safety

A stove is one of the most dangerous places in the kitchen. Induction cooktops offer no flames which means no fires and no gas which means no leaks. Plus, since induction cooking only heats within the pan, the cooktop itself remains cool.


Check out the video to see an induction cooktop live in action and visit The Link to find out more about our approach to sustainability.


Recipe card

Thanks to Daana Restaurant, you can download a recipe card for Sanjay’s Malabar Chicken Curry here.


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