Youth Employment Pathways – assisting young people prepare for the world of work

Youth Employment Pathways is an individually tailored support service for unemployed young people who live, work or play in the Belconnen region.

This program will provide access to vocational education, training and employment pathways as well as helping to improve language and literacy along with job seeking skills.

Targeting young people between 18 and 24 years old, Youth Employment Pathways will provide:

  • Access to qualified youth professionals
  • Help in preparation for the world of work (resumes, interviews, cover letters)
  • Access to funded driver education and senior first aid sessions
  • Numeracy and literacy training
  • Referrals to other services
  • Connections to new social groups/activities
  • An individual customised pathway plan and support implementation
  • Financial counselling and budgeting assistance

“For diverse reasons, young people in west Belconnen have a tough time finding training and employment. This new project will help young people address the underlying issues and barriers and assist them to build the skills and confidence to pursue their goals,” said Jennifer Lewis, Youth Engagement Coordinator, Belconnen Community Service.

This program will commence in mid-March 2016 and run 2 days per week (Monday & Wednesdays).  The program will consist of individual and group sessions as well as a range of activities as agreed by each individual.

Please note that eligibility criteria apply.

To find out more about this program please call BCS Youth Engagement Services on 6264 0200 or email on

Youth Employment Pathways is being delivered at West Belconnen in partnership with Belconnen Community Service, Ginninderry Joint Venture and the Canberra Institute of Technology as a part of the Spark Training and Employment Initiative.

The Spark Training and Employment Initiative is a key component of the Ginninderry residential development being project managed by Ginninderry Joint Venture in partnership with the ACT Government. This initiative will work in collaboration with local stakeholders, agencies and territory and federal departments to develop a range of engagement, education, training and employment pathways for local people within the West Belconnen and Belconnen region.

*This project was made possible with assistance from the ACT Government under the ACT Adult Community Education Program.

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