Successful construction training and employment program returns to Yass

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The Yass campus of TAFE NSW will once again host the SPARK Yass Construction program, delivered in partnership with Ginninderry, Yass Valley Council and headspace Yass.

The announcement of the 2022 program follows the success of an earlier courses where local participants received accredited construction training, setting them up for continuing study and apprenticeship opportunities.

Ginninderry’s Head of Community, Training and Employment Emma Sckrabei said the success of the program demonstrated the benefits of providing construction pathway training in growing regional centres.

“The SPARK Yass Construction Program gives locals access to hands-on accredited training and work-experience without the need to cross the border”

“Yass is a fast-growing regional centre and our successful model aims to build critical skills and open employment pathways within our region”.

Theory, practical hands-on learning and industry work experience will combine to provide successful participants with a Certificate II Construction Pathways and a Certificate II Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways as well as an exciting range of potential job opportunities.

Live training sites are a key component of the program, meaning hands-on training will have a meaningful impact on Yass community spaces. This year, through a partnership with headspace Yass, program participants will work to build an outdoor youth space, suitable for events and activities all year round.

Billianne Bambrick from headspace Yass believes the program is unique in two ways.

“Not only is this program going to be life-changing for participants, but in addition to hands-on training, it will leave a lasting legacy for us through the development of a new outdoor space which will further help us to support the young people in our local community.”

The program is being supported by Yass Valley Council and Director of Corporate and Community, Lynette Safranek believes it offers an opportiunity to meet the demand for skills in the local area

“We are proud to support a program that will provide our residents with direct entry into the construction industry. There is a high demand for these skills in our region, with many of our construction workers travelling across the border each day, or to areas impacted by fires and floods in the past few years. This is a local program for local people.”

The 11-week program is delivered four days a week with modules in a combination of theory and practical hands-on learning and industry work experience.

Successful participants will receive a Certificate II in Construction Pathways (CPC20220) and Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (FSK20119).

An information and enrolment session will be held at TAFE NSW Yass on Wednesday 22 June. Residents of Yass and district aged 16 years and over are eligible to apply.

Full details can be found at here.

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