Register now for the West Belconnen Administration Pre-Employment Program

A new innovative accredited training program specifically targeting the West Belconnen community that will develop skills, provide work experience and deliver potential employment in the business administration sector for participants.

Theory, practical hands-on learning and industry work experience will combine to provide successful participants with a Certificate II in Business as well as an exciting range of potential job opportunities and unpaid work experience placements.

As part of the program, participants will receive industry specific training through simulated work environments and community projects, work experience placements and potential employment pathway opportunities, including traineeships.

SPARK is the Ginninderry development’s training and employment initiative. Manager Emma Sckrabei said the opportunity to get out into the community to pick up skills rather than just learning in a traditional classroom environment was what set the program apart.

“The West Belconnen Administration Pre-Employment Program is about getting those people who might have become disconnected from training, employment and the labour market, skilled-up and ready for a new career,” Emma said.

“It’s also about collaborating with key stakeholders, MEGT Institute and Canberra City Care, who are already doing great work in the community.”

The program will start on Thursday 21 March 2017, and will run four days per week for 10 weeks (Tuesday – Friday, 24 hours per week.)

To find out more about the program, it is essential to attend the information session on Thursday 9 March 2017 from 10am to noon at Uniting Care Kippax, Corner Luke Street and Hardwick Crescent, Holt ACT.

The information session will be in two parts, including a presentation regarding the selection criteria, the program content and the commitment that is required, followed by a selection session for eligible candidates.

In addition, the team is interested in hearing from local organisations and employers who would be keen to host participants as part of the unpaid work experience component of the program.

To register a place at the information session or if you are a local employer interested in work experience opportunities, contact Ashleigh at Ginninderry on 6255 1158 or

– Emma Sckrabei, SPARK Training and Employment Manager

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