Partnership approach delivers strong training and education outcomes in Goulburn.
Participants from Ginninderry’s Goulburn Construction training program are putting new skills to work as part of a team working on a new mindfulness garden in Goulburn’s Victoria Park.
At the heart of the garden lies a conversation pit that will provide a unique place for locals to connect, relax and take a break. Program participants are working on key elements of the space from excavation and footings to retaining walls and furniture installation.
Ginninderry Training and Employment Manager Emma Sckrabei says the collaborative nature of the program provides a well-rounded training experience.
“This program is a partnership between TAFE NSW, Goulburn Mulwaree Council and local civil firm Divalls,” she said.
“That partnership delivers participants nationally accredited training through TAFE NSW plus experience on a live training site, working with industry on a significant piece of community infrastructure,”
“It’s powerful because at the end of the program, participants will have a tangible demonstration of the skills they’ve developed, and the community will have an incredible new space to enjoy.”
Bronwyn Temple, TAFE Services Coordinator for TAFE NSW Goulburn says it’s this strong partnership approach which allows participants to complete the program with a set of qualifications backed up by real world experience.
“The SPARK program brings together the skills and networks of TAFE NSW, Divall’s Earthmoving & Bulk Haulage, Salvation Army Plus, Goulburn Mulwaree Council and Mission Australia,”
“This construction program focuses on developing skills for regional people and on successful completion the participants receive a (CPC1011) Certificate I Construction Pathways, (CPC20211) Certificate II Construction, (10582NAT) and Certificate I in Preparation for Work and Training as well as an industry induction card, asbestos awareness card and PPE,”

Goulburn Mulwaree Council Business Manager (Community Services) Robert Hughes says programs like this are essential.
“Aside from the obvious practical skills it provides, it also teaches participants to work within a team to achieve a goal,”
“The goal is the development of what will be a community asset – an asset we hope that they will be proud to say they built and show to other people,”
“The conversation pit was an idea generated by the youth council, led by Cr James,”
“SPARK is working on the hard landscape elements at the moment with the installation of the slab, shelter and the semi-circle seating. They will reshape the site and if time permits be included in the planting out of the garden.”
Val Roberts, from Divalls Earthmoving and Bulk Haulage says the local civil contractor is proud to be involved in a program that builds regional skills.
“Building skills and retaining young people is a key issue for business in regional centres and we see this program as contributing towards that,”
“We’re proud to play a role in enabling participants on this program to gain access to the skills they are learning,”
“Our contribution includes donating earthmoving equipment and operators, giving participants hands-on experience on a live project,”
“It will all be worth it if we can inspire young people to consider a career in construction and we can retain those skills in the local area,”
“We have been lucky to have some really good candidates apply, who are genuinely interested in the construction business.”
The SPARK Goulburn Construction Program runs until November.