Community Workshop: Sustainable Development, Masterplan, Local Centre and FUA Block.

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Ginninderry’s vision is to be a sustainable community of international significance in the capital region. To achieve this vision, we approach everything through the lens of triple-bottom-line sustainability – a framework that considers environmental, social and economic impacts.

In this workshop, we will discuss what that framework looks like in real terms while also introducing the revised Ginninderry Masterplan.

Then, following the July Community Workshop and what we heard, we will continue the conversation about the Local Centre and potential uses for the Future Urban Area block next to the proposed Strathnairn Primary School.

The workshop format will be a presentation on the triple-bottom-line framework and masterplan update, followed by workshop-style sessions on the Local Centre and Future Urban Area block.

Whether you are an existing resident or will be one in the future, we encourage you to join us for what we hope to be an informative and engaging workshop.

Communication Link, a specialist communication and engagement consultancy firm based in Canberra, will facilitate the workshop. Communication Link has facilitated sessions like this for over 20 years and will ensure your ideas are heard and captured.

We will provide a light dinner and drinks on the night and have childcare available to support the attendance of our young families.

RSVP via Eventbrite is essential as it helps us with childcare and catering requirements. Click here to RSVP.

If you have any dietary requirements, please let us know by emailing




The Link
1 McClymont Way
Strathnairn, ACT Australia

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