Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report (BCAR) – NSW Land

Status: Final BCAR Submitted
Responsible Entity: Riverview Projects (ACT)

Project Timeline

H1 2023

Draft BCAR Report

Issue draft Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report (BCAR) to Yass Valley Council and Department of Planning and Environment for review and endorsement for the public exhibition

23 June 2023

Public Exhibition Approval

Yass Valley Council Advised the draft BCAR is suitable for public exhibition

24 June 2023

Public Exhibition

Commencement of public exhibition period of 30 calendar days

24 July 2023

Consider Public Comments

Consider public comments received and update the draft BCAR to develop the final BCAR report (approx. 2 weeks)

Mid-August 2023

Issue Final BCAR

Issue Final BCAR Report to Department of Planning and Environment.


BCAR Determination

Minister's Delegate for determination expected (approximately 8 weeks from issuing final BCAR)

Project Updates

24 June 2023Public Exhibition Commenced
23 June 2023Public Exhibition

Yass Valley Council advised the draft BCAR is suitable for public exhibition

Project Background

Planning for Ginninderry, both for development and conservation, has been a process that has progressed over more than three decades and which has been informed by a substantial number of ecological studies.

In 2017, Riverview Projects and the Commonwealth Government commenced a Strategic Assessment under Part 10 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The focus of the Strategic Assessment was to assess the potential impacts of development by the Ginninderry project area on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) protected under the EPBC Act. Following endorsement of the Program Report, Riverview received EPBC Act Approval to implement the staged development of the project, with a number of mitigation and management measures to protect the environment. These measures included offsets, further environmental studies, and development and implementation of management plans.

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Ginninderry Conservation Corridor

One of the conditions of approval was the establishment of the Ginninderry Conservation Corridor (GCC). This 572 ha area will protect and manage the areas which were identified in the Strategic Assessment as supporting significant conservation value.

The GCC protects the vast majority of Box-Gum Woodland, Natural Temperate Grassland, and the majority of the higher quality flora and fauna habitat, including habitat for the Pink-tailed Legless Lizard, and several threatened woodland birds. The GCC also forms an important habitat link that facilitates movement across both the local and regional landscape, providing habitat connectivity to Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary and other reserves in the north of the ACT and forming part of the 66 km long Murrumbidgee River Corridor. The GCC is managed in accordance with the Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Management Plan.

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Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report

Riverview Projects (ACT) Pty Ltd (Riverview) is currently progressing the planning and approval process for the proposed development of the NSW portion of the Ginninderry development in Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 DP771051, and Lot 62 DP801234, Wallaroo, NSW.

As part of the process, and in line with its obligations under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, Riverview has prepared a draft Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report (BCAR) which assesses the impact of the proposed development on the biodiversity values of the land. Riverview is currently seeking comments from the community during this public exhibition period on the draft BCAR. Comments received will be considered within the final BCAR to be submitted to the NSW Minister for the Environment for approval.

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